We wanted to share some tips with you to keep you motivated on your 2023 fitness goals.
- Remember, in both exercise and dieting, LONG TERM is key. Trying to get in shape or changing your diet in one week isn’t a lifestyle change; it’s a radical change. Instead, try making small changes over a longer period of time. By committing to loosing 2 to 3 pounds a month you’ll create a longer lasting lifestyle adjustment that can last forever.
- Learn to read and understand labels. Most labels include ingredients, both good and bad, as well as the recommended daily allowance and nutrition facts. Try to lower your intake of foods high in sugars and trans fats.
Get more “incidental” workouts. Be creative: Park at the back of the parking lot instead of the front row, throw a ball around with the kids, use the stairs instead of the elevator, walk faster than usual and even take the long way around.
Try to replace a coffee or soft drink every day with a glass of water. Better yet, make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Set goals. Having a real goal for better eating and exercises increases your chance of actually accomplishing the goal. Share this goal with someone to help keep you accountable & increase the likelihood of achieving it!
Remember a healthy lifestyle is more than just eating right and working out. Keep a positive healthy mental attitude is key.
- No pain, no gain isn’t true. It’s good to be sore, but bad to be injured. Take it slow and don’t over do it. Fitness shouldn’t be a fad. Make it a lifetime goal.
Enroll in a GROUP activity. May we suggest martial arts?!? 😉
We’re making it super easy for you. This month every adult, nationwide, is invited to work out for FREE at every Victory Martial Arts location. So if you’re not already out there on the mats, give us a call or stop on by to find out class times. If you are training with us, bring your friends. Remember – group activities = more fun and better results!
See you soon!
Your Victory Martial Arts Team
Not valid with additional offers or discounts. Free classes valid for adults through January 31, 2023. Additional restrictions may apply.