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Remember, in both exercise and dieting, LONG TERM is key. Trying to get in shape or changing your diet in one week isn’t a lifestyle change; it’s a radical change. Instead, try making small changes over a longer period of time. By committing to loosing 2 to 3 pounds a month you’ll create a longer lasting lifestyle adjustment that can last forever.
The holiday season is upon us, and it is definitely a very special time of the year. Unfortunately, this also means that people become busy and are not always as aware as they should be.
Halloween night is supposed to be filled with scares – but only scares of the pretend variety. Unfortunately, Halloween night poses a few unique risks for kids of any age. Here’s a complete checklist for keeping your little monsters safe while they’re out trick or treating.
As we reach the end of October, the weather grows colder, the leaves change color and all the spooky ghosts and ghouls prepare for trick or treating fun! As parents, you want your little ones to have a fun, memorable and – above all else – safe Halloween. Here’s a complete safety checklist.